Comparison between Mailchimp and Constant Contact

August 25, 2021

Comparison between Mailchimp and Constant Contact

Looking for an email marketing software? Two of the most popular options are Mailchimp and Constant Contact. Both of these email marketing tools have their own strengths and weaknesses.

In this blog post, we’ll compare these two email marketing tools based on various parameters to give you a fair and factual comparison.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, Mailchimp is far superior to Constant Contact. Mailchimp has a modern and intuitive design, with a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create email campaigns. Constant Contact, on the other hand, has a cluttered user interface that can be a little difficult to navigate, especially for beginners.


Both Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer a range of features to help you create and manage your email marketing campaigns. However, Mailchimp offers more advanced features than Constant Contact. For example, Mailchimp has more advanced automation options, more integrations, and a better email editor than Constant Contact.


When it comes to pricing, both Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer a range of plans to suit different needs and budgets. However, Constant Contact can be more expensive than Mailchimp, especially if you have a larger email list.

For example, if you have an email list of over 10,000 subscribers, you’ll pay $95 per month for Constant Contact’s Email Plus plan, while Mailchimp’s comparable Premium plan will cost you only $299 per month.

Reporting and Analytics

Both Mailchimp and Constant Contact provide detailed reporting and analytics. However, Mailchimp once again has an edge over Constant Contact when it comes to reporting and analytics. Mailchimp provides detailed insights into subscriber engagement, email performance, and revenue generated, all in one easy-to-navigate dashboard.


When it comes to email deliverability, Mailchimp has one of the highest rates in the industry. Constant Contact also has a good delivery rate, but it's not as high as Mailchimp's. Mailchimp is known for its strict anti-spam policies, which means that your emails are less likely to end up in your subscribers' spam folders.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, both Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer a range of resources to help you get started, including email support and knowledge base articles. However, Mailchimp also offers live chat and phone support, which can be useful if you need fast assistance.


Overall, both Mailchimp and Constant Contact are robust email marketing solutions that can help you create, manage, and track your email campaigns. However, Mailchimp has some key advantages over Constant Contact, including a more user-friendly interface, more advanced features, and better reporting and analytics. That said, Constant Contact is a great choice if you’re looking for a more affordable email marketing solution, especially if you have a smaller email list.

Both Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer free trials, so we recommend trying each tool out for yourself to see which one meets your specific needs.


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